Rev. angel Kyodo williams

Transform Society with Love and Justice

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What You'll Learn

  • Learn what Transformative Social Change is and how it can be used to create open and inclusive movements that benefit all

  • Understand the importance of deep listening in having transformative communication, and explore a practice to be more present in every interaction

  • Recognize justice as a vital component of love, and understand the necessity of making inward change to be able to make collective change

About Rev. angel Kyodo williams

Called “the most intriguing African-American Buddhist” by Library Journal, angel Kyodo williams has been bridging the worlds of spirit and justice since her critically acclaimed book, Being Black: Zen and the Art of Living With Fearlessness and Grace. Rev. angel’s most recent book is Radical Dharma: Talking Race, Love, and Liberation. Only the second Black woman to become a Zen “Sensei” or teacher, she applies wisdom teaching to social issues and is a leading voice for Transformative Social Change. angel notes, “Love and justice are not two. Without inner change, there can be no outer change. Without collective change, no change matters.” Whether in writing, teaching or speaking, her voice is unique. She was made for these times. You can learn more about angel on her website.

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  1. Jean M Grycuk April 15, 2019 at 9:23 pm - Reply


  2. Lauren Locke April 15, 2019 at 3:03 am - Reply

    Wow. The connection of love and justice, individual and collective, inward and outward is beyond thought-provoking — it struck a deep chord in me. Thank you for your words and your presence — and for inspiring deeper thought, deeper listening, deeper and more just love!

  3. Char April 14, 2019 at 11:08 pm - Reply

    I have taken in a smattering of conversations at this summit, and I need to say thank you! Sometimes I tend to “gorge” on all the wonderful talks in such a summit. But after I took in this talk last night with Rev. Angel, I felt no need to gorge; the greed or sense of lack disappeared. All those hours Rev. Angel has spent on the cushion (and Kaleigh’s, too) can be felt in your conversation. I offer deep thanks to both of you for sharing your kind spirits with all of us, for offering your light and transformation. Deep thanks to you. I continue to contemplate that justice is what love looks like in public. Words to live by for as many lifetimes as it takes to experience a world so loving!

  4. Luisa Elisa Almada Wright April 14, 2019 at 10:31 pm - Reply

    Thanks for sharing

  5. Sidonie April 14, 2019 at 3:34 pm - Reply

    Namasté, Rev. Angel KW! A resounding YES to the “Transformative Social Change”!!! I have been “drinking” your words throughout the conversation, listening deeply (by saying your words as you are speaking them!) Funny, this is something that happens to me sometimes spontaneously, without any conscious decision to do so… I just catch myself doing it and it’s really amazing; yes, the “3rd speaker” no longer interferes.Thank you for making it so explicit, it will now turn into a deliberate practice of deep listening! Heartfelt gratitude and blessings.

  6. Joan April 14, 2019 at 10:46 am - Reply

    I “can’t quite name it” either, and that’s a good thing at this moment. Rising light from sun outside and rising glow inside. Angel Kyodo Williams, your truths are palpable and I am full with thanks.

  7. Elizabeth S Braymen April 14, 2019 at 2:25 am - Reply

    Thank you!

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