Jenna Hollenstein
Eat To Love: Give Yourself Generosity

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What You'll Learn
Think about how we often withhold generosity from ourselves, and explore how that relates to how we eat and how we feel about our bodies
Follow along in two practices to be generous to ourselves by noticing our bodies and allowing them to take the resources they need
Recognize all of the things in the world that are trying to distract you from being your authentic self, and know the importance of remembering who you are
About Jenna Hollenstein

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Phewww. Time for me to expand and not try to shrink .
Thank you so much!
Speaking of generosity, thank you for this summit and these inspiring, authentic presenters for sharing their time and wisdom with us. I am taking in so much love from this event, and reassuring validation of the journey I am on to return to myself. Feeling satisfied. Thank you!
Really helpful as reminder of what we all know, at some cellular sense, and a reminder to me of the easy alignment I experience with healthily self-regulated hunger when I do authentic whole-body work — ESPECIALLY gardening and tending soil while growing and harvesting food. Maybe it’s calibrating with the inner forager. Such a challenge to live and work holistically, in balance and watching this brought me closer to center. Many thanks.
Thank you for teaching me the generosity of taking care of my body.
Wow. Looking at teachings from the east from another angle will definitely help me on my journey to being and giving in this world
There’s a lot to think about here. I too look forward to the book. To be in our bodies more as we experience as the moment – whether it be eating, listening, smelling – what a joy that would be, connecting with who we truly are and learning what is truly important to each of us as individuals. Quite a gift, thank you Jenna. I suspect this is hard to implement as I go about my day. I will try it – post-its around me can help be reminders.
Beautiful! Thank you Jenna! As someone who is a stress eater, I definitely feel moved to be more present and mindful when eating, particularly when I’m quite aware that it’s out of stress and not hunger. Looking forward to reading your book 🙂 Blessings!