Chantal Pierrat

Uplift, Empower, Emerge

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Want to learn more about owning the recordings for life?

What You'll Learn

  • Understand how to apply inner wisdom and authenticity into action and leadership in the world

  • Learn about the age of “I” and ego, the shift we need towards “we” and interdependence, and how to skillfully make the shift

  • Explore what’s possible when small and large communities of women and men come together to support and uplift other women to excel

About Chantal Pierrat

Chantal's mission is to increase women's leadership across the globe. She founded Emerging Women, a global leadership and media platform that serves over 70,000 women worldwide and has advanced women's leadership within Fortune 500 companies such as HP, Oracle and more. Chantal's ultimate vision is to weave feminine leadership and authenticity into businesses, and to create a world where women have a strong voice in the shaping of our future. Chantal believes that dance is one of the most powerful ways to connect to our present experience and discover the truth of who we are. She created SoulSweat™, a dynamic dance program that combines structured choreography with wild abandonment. She taught for 12 years, and released SoulSweat, the DVD, in 2007. When she is not dancing or working to empower women around the world, Chantal enjoys family time with her husband and two sons in Boulder, CO.

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  1. Tammy Green April 15, 2019 at 4:32 pm - Reply

    loved this!

  2. Milha April 15, 2019 at 1:15 pm - Reply

    Thank you both for sharing your thoughts and insights with us. It comes very timely. Words I welcome and needed to listen to at this very moment. ?

  3. Niki April 15, 2019 at 6:44 am - Reply

    This interview is so dynamic and innovative! She speaks of feminine leadership in the way I desire to authentically engage in the world. I have dropped my guilt on cultivating my “I” and now my I can clearly see that my “why” for manifesting my dreams is to be in service of “we”. Chakras aligned and spinning!!! Thank you!??

  4. Sidonie April 14, 2019 at 7:37 pm - Reply

    Wow, what a great feeling when completely in tune with the speaker! So juicy, magic and awe-inspiring!!! I enjoyed listening to the interview, it was full of grit and grace, passion, vitality, authenticity, vulnerability and determination… Bravo! Keep it up!

  5. Connie April 14, 2019 at 11:31 am - Reply

    I love this video, thank you!!! I can really relate.. the industry I am in is like this.. needing a change.. I think it’s happening ;o) Bless

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