Janet Solyntjes
Show Up, Be Present

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Want to learn more about owning the recordings for life?
What You'll Learn
Understand your own innate wisdom and how to access it by being present with yourself in each moment
Hear a heartfelt conversation between Janet Solyntjes and the producers of the Wise Woman Summit as they discuss what it means to be truly present with others
Explore what interpersonal presence is and what it can look like
About Janet Solyntjes

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I loved this talk. Thank you!
I’ve been practicing mindfulness for over 5 years and I really see the benefit of being present, both when alone (I don’t feel that at the end of the day I’ve “missed out” on my life-fewer regrets) and in the presence of others. I seem to have gotten over the vulnerability of being present with others. (Finally!) I can hear them and see them without feeling I HAVE to have a response at that moment. I can simply listen and stay open and accepting. All there is left is compassion, connection. I feel like I can take things slower and relish my time.
as a symphony musician, i can testify that good conductors definitely have a presence that pulls everyone on stage with them together to create great works of art as a group. the great symphonies of western musical history definitely require presence for the team of a symphony orchestra led by the conductor to reproduce especially for an audience. great analogy for me to delve deeper into the idea of presence 🙂
What a gift to find Janet on the program today and that her topic was presence was perfect. Her authenticity was palpable. Her capacity to engage in real time whether the tone was vulnerable or unlabashed was an affirmation of her many gifts and long standing commitment to practice and teaching. Few women can be both wild and elegant. Janet embodies both!
Wonderful discussion between 3 very thought provoking women. Thoroughly glued (present) and will watch again. Thank you so much for the practises and pleasure.
The Yoga Breath, as Yogis have done it for centuries.
What a lovely teaching of presence in various situations. Thank you for this Janet. You are an elegant woman lessening or helping us manage our fears and be more present. That is a lovely gift to share.
A very lovely pondering to listen to as I made & ate dinner this chilly spring evening ❤️Thank you ❤️
Janet, Nice to see and hear you here at this Wise Woman Summit. So glad that you are doing all the work that you are doing!
This was a very beautiful discussion. I’m so glad I managed to slow down to witness this. Thank you.